Patriotic Picture of the day

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Meeting Ted Cruz, Health Care, and Independence Day

Yet again, I have neglected my little blog... I know what you're all thinking, "With the Health Care ruling from the Supreme Court why hasn't she posted?" Well that is because I have as always had many other things to do. There are so many thing that I will try and put in this post I wouldn't blame you if you stooped reading. Here, let me bullet point a few things,

  • I was (and still am) very frustrated with the Health Care ruling
  • I got my little brother to watch Casablanca and Gone with the Wind (It is noteworthy trust me!)
  • I went to "Rally for Freedom" and heard Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott speak.
  • I met Ted Cruz
  • I had a absolutely wonderful Independence Day, it was the first time I had been home for it in 2 years!
  • I got a job!

So let me just quickly talk about each one of these points,

Health care: Wow. I could not believe it. Really I could not. I cried. What makes me all the more sad is that practically no one in my generation cares or, even knows. Aside from me and a small handful of informed friends. Just wait. I know they will when they're having to pay literally pay their hard earned money for it! I wrote a letter to my future children about it. I want them to know what a place America is. I want them to be able to love the America that I love. I want them to be able to go to a parade on the Fourth of July and be free to wave the beautiful flag, I want them to be able to say the pledge of Allegiance and be free to do so. I want them to be able to worship God, the Creator of this place. I could write many blog posts on this subject alone.

My little brother watching Gone with the Wind and Casablanca: Well it was an exchange really... I told him if he watch those with me, I would watch Lord of the Rings with him (I've never seen them) He actually liked them both, so that made me very happy! :)

Rally for Freedom: Was really awesome, it was very neat to hear all these people who are State Reps. in Texas talk about Health Care and hear the Attorney General speak about it too! I was able to ask a question of the panel of State Reps about what are they doing and what can they continue to do to make young people like me aware of how the Health Care decision will affect their lives.

Meeting Ted Cruz: Wow. That was so awesome! I went to a rally that he spoke at and was able to meet him and he signed my National Review with him on the cover he signed it to "Meg" I got my picture with him! It was oh so very awesome!!

Independence Day: Started out with me waking up and reading the Declaration of Independence before I even got out of bed and ended with fireworks-- literally. It is on of hte best things in the world to watch fireworks with your closest family and friends while you are celebrating the best nation in the world. Ever. I hadn't be home for the forth in 2 years so it was all the better.

I applied for a job about on Monday and they offered it to me today. I am very blessed.

At the end of July, I get to go to not one but TWO awesome events! I am going to FREE PAC which is an event with: Glenn Beck, Ted Cruz, Michelle Malkin, and many others. Then on the 28th I am going ot Glenn Beck's "Restoring Love" I really can't wait for both of them!!

We are hosting a French exchange student and she gets here tomorrow! I can not wait! :)

Meeting Ted Cruz! :)

Attorney General Abbott

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